Users of

Respecting your privacy and safeguarding your personal data, that is what we are committed to doing at Skool4Kidz.

As users of, it is important that you know what types of Personal Data we collect about you, how we use and disclose it, so that you get to decide on our use of your personal information and how you can make informed decisions about what personal data you would like to share with us.

How we collect your personal data about you, as a student, in the following ways:


Types of personal data we collect about you, as a user of, may include:


How we use your personal data about you, as a user of, for one or more of the following purposes:


Who we disclose some of your personal data about you, as a user of, to the following parties or organisations outside of Skool4Kidz:

We will use our best endeavours to ensure that your personal data is protected by such third parties.


Tracking of your User Activity

We use Tracking Tools such as Google Analytics

We use "cookies" to collect information about your activity on our web site. Cookies are files with a small amount of data, which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a web site and stored on your computer's hard drive. You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate them when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our web site.

Where we use remarketing services to advertise on third party web sites to you after you have visited our website, we, and our third-party vendors, use cookies to inform, optimise and serve ads based on your past visits to our website.

The following is used for remarketing services for purposes of advertising:

You can opt-out of these re-marketing services by visiting the web site of the relevant third party vendor(s).


Your rights relating to Personal Data about you

How we manage the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data

We manage the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Data about you as follows:


To the fullest extent required by the PDPA, before we collect, use or disclose your personal data, we will notify you of the purpose why we are doing so. We next obtain written confirmation from you on your expressed consent.

We will not collect more personal data than necessary for the stated purpose.

Under certain circumstances, we will rely on deemed consent when you voluntarily provide your personal data for the stated purpose and it is reasonably appropriate to do so, e.g. when you apply to become a/an :

Please note that Skool4Kidz will be exempted from obtaining consent for the collection, use or disclosure based on the conditions and circumstances specified under the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Schedules of the PDPA.

If you have a one-on-one meeting with us or do a transaction with us on behalf of another individual, you must first obtain consent from that individual in order for us to collect, use or disclose his/her personal data.

If you wish to withdraw consent, you should give us reasonable advance notice. You have to be aware, though, of the likely consequences of your withdrawal of consent, e.g. without your personal contact information we may not be able to inform you of future services offered by us or our clients.

Your request for withdrawal of consent can take the form of an email or letter to us, or through the “UNSUB” feature in an online service.


How you can access and make corrections to your personal data

You may write to us to find out what personal data about you we have in our possession or under our control and how it may have been used and/or disclosed by us in the previous one year.  We may also ask us to correct it if there is any error or to rectify any omission in it. Before we accede to your request, we may need to verify your identity.

We will endeavour to fulfil your request within 30 days, with an estimate of the fee for processing the request (if applicable). If we are not able to do so within 30 days, we will notify you of the additional time required.


How we care for Personal Data about you

How we ensure the accuracy of your personal data

We will take reasonable precautions and verification checks to ensure that the personal data we have collected from or about you is reasonably accurate, complete and up-to-date. From time to time, we may do a verification exercise with you to update us on any changes to your personal data.

How we protect your personal data

We will take the reasonable security arrangements to protect your personal data that is in our possession to prevent unauthorised access, use, disclosure, or similar risks. We will take reasonable and appropriate measures to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data, and will only share your data with authorised persons on a ‘need to know’ basis.

Data Intermediaries who process and maintain your personal data on our behalf will be bound by contractual information security arrangements we have with them.

How we retain your personal data

We will not retain any of your personal data under our charge when the original purpose has been fulfilled or it is no longer necessary for any business or legal purposes. Based on our Document Retention Policy, we will ensure that your personal data that are no longer needed by us will be destroyed or disposed of in a secure manner.

How we transfer your personal data

If there is a need for us to transfer your personal data to another country, we will ensure that the standard of data protection in the recipient country is comparable to that of Singapore’s PDPA. If this is not so, we will enter into a contractual agreement with the receiving party to accord similar levels of data protection as that in Singapore.

Compliance with laws

Where required to do so by law, we will disclose personal data about you to the relevant authorities or to law enforcement agencies.


Changes to this Data Protection Policy

We may update our Data Protection Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the policy on this page. Please revisit this page periodically for any changes. Changes to this Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.


Contacting Us

If you have any questions about our collection, use, and/or disclosure of personal data about you; feedback regarding this Policy, or any complaint you have relating to how we collect, use, disclose and store personal data about you, you may contact our Data Protection Officer(s) at

Any query or complaint should include, at least, the following details:

We treat such queries and complaints seriously and will deal with them confidentially and within a reasonable time.